Rita Dragonette

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Thank You: The Fourteenth of September Is Off to a Great Start

The Fourteenth of September debuted this fall and has become a well-reviewed, award-winning and reader success, poised for a second printing as I write this. The three+ month launch period was a whirlwind, with nearly twenty events, parties, salons and speaking engagements, from New York to California, DeKalb IL to Chicago. Click for details on awards, reviews, media coverage and more photos from events and salons.

This wouldn't have been possible without my very valued "village" of salonnieres, event sponsors, bookstores and the incredible interest and support of friends and associates from all aspects of my life — close and extended, past and present. I thank you all. Your support has been overwhelming.

It’s all still going strong into 2019 with an audiobook, speaking/reading events, salons and lots of interest from book clubs, which is very exciting. I've also begun a second novel, set in San Miguel de Allende, where I'm going in February for research, and will dive into seriously in March, when I’ll spend a month at Ragdale, my treasured writer's retreat. I admit to being a bit bleary-eyed at the pace of all of this, with an as-yet-to-be fulfilled resolution to achieve the ever-elusive work/life “balance.” LOL

I appreciate you all being part of my journey. I hope to keep it interesting. Meanwhile, I adore each one of these smiling faces. You’ll be seeing more in future posts.